Ethical & Legal.
Confidentiality & Limits
Attending counselling and psychotherapy offers a freedom, and safety to talk and express what you may not be able to elsewhere, without your material being shared. This level of privacy is called confidentiality. This aligns with my respect of you, and my valuing of your autonomy. There are however limits, meaning I may break confidentiality in certain circumstances. see - Confidentiality. These include:
1) If I believe there is a significant threat of harm to self or to another. This safeguarding against harm protects every child under 18, and a young person under 24 with a disability. See - Children’s Act (2004). I am also bound to disclose to appropriate authorities if hearing of, money laundering, human trafficking and terrorism.
2) I also have an ethical, and moral responsibility to attend regular Clinical Supervision. Meaning, that I work through our session with a trusted professional to ensure your best interest and my well-being. Discussion can include; exploration of my process alongside yours. A listening ear (to reduce possibility of vicarious trauma) and the exploration of ethical concerns and safeguarding.
3)The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has recently updated their policies, to better enable those within court proceedings to access therapeutic support. Notes will only be shared with Police when agreed to by yourself, while only a Judge can order notes via Subpoena.
Other than the exemptions detailed, I will not disclose my work with you outside of our relationship without due consent. All work reflected upon for development purposes is anonymised so the client, couple or group are non-identifiable. I will not disclose that you have been in counselling to anyone outside that which has been consented.
My work is regulated by the ethical standards of good practice outlined by the BACP Ethical-Framework. I also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR the Data-Protection Act (2018). I am a registered member of the Information Commissioners Office ICO. I hold up-to date professional indemnity and professional treatment insurance, and an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). I have firewall active protection on my personal computer.
Storage of Information
I mitigate risk of the detrimental effects of a Data-Breach by ensuring that all files are kept coded, and password protected. Records are archived for seven years, and are kept on an accessible file for 6-months after your last session. Artwork is stored confidentially. Any personal information is written as unidentifiable. Contact details and calendars are coded/unnamed. Under GDPR you are able to request access, and removal of your notes; no one else can access these, other than a court Subpoena.
Information requested or disclosed
Our agreement requests contact information and name only. If you have a medical condition that you feel important to disclose, I will invite you to complete a form to be kept securely. This can include the location of any emergency medication (on your person) and an emergency contact. Any sensitive information will be destroyed at the end of our sessions together. If no medical disclosure necessary, yet a medical situation occurs, I will call the emergency services. The cost of an ambulance transfer to hospital will need to be taken up with the NHS.
All client work requires regular Clinical Supervision. Meaning, that I work through our session with a trusted professional to ensure your best interest and my well-being. Discussion can include; exploration of my process alongside yours. A listening ear, to reduce possibility of vicarious trauma, and the exploration of ethical concerns, best practice and safeguarding.
Your rights
You may request or remove any personal stored data and information in accordance to GDPR. If you have a complaint, I hope that in the first instance you would be able to discuss this with myself. The BACP also have a complaints procedure.
Risk of Harm
Risk of harm It may also be identified that it’s harmful for yourself to start therapy due to your situation. This could be due to present circumstances, limits to the number of sessions you are able to attend (inappropriate to your distress) or possible expectations on solely relying on counselling for a reduction in addictive substance use.
BACP Accredited membership
Professional Liability Insurance
ICO registration - ZA480253
DBS 2023